Under normal circumstances, composting worms will stay in the top 6-12 inches of their habitat. But in a non-compacted environment, the worms can be found at all levels of the habitat. This is especially true when it is wet towards the bottom of the Urban Worm Bag.
It is not uncommon for worms to be towards the bottom of the Urban Worm Bag early on as the initial moisture tends to collect at the bottom. The worms will find this wet stuff especially attractive. You may find that a few worms will escape out of the bottom of the Bag.
There are a few ways to help fix this situation. One is to mix the contents of your bin to help equalize the moisture. You can also consider an early harvest in order to put the bottom bedding material back into the top of the Urban Worm Bag.
If your bin is outdoors or in an area where you don't mind getting some escapees on the floor, then we recommend leaving the bottom unzipped or fully removed if you have the version with the fully removable bottom. This will increase airflow to the bottom, will dry out the bottom of the Urban Worm Bag, and will "push" the worms higher into the areas of fresher food waste.
This problem will subside with time as the Bag fills up.